This past week marked a historical move for Keely and myself. Keely has officially left her “real job” and joined the Site Revision, Inc. team. She is going to be in charge of managing the e-commerce site and “keeping the books” for the companies, whatever that means (accounting was never my strong suit). Keely is great at all the tasks for which I have no patience. If the first week is any indication, we will be able to handle it fine. We had been considering this decision for quite some time and finally pulled the trigger last week. This is a big move for us and we are both hoping this will help us grow the business.
Building an Empire
Posted in Misc
Yay you two! Let me know when you are hiring a 3rd!
Boo!!! I mean Congrats! We miss her like CRAZY up here. LMK when you start hiring again. LOL