Since purchasing my 2004 Bentley Arnage T in the summer of 2016, I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge about these special motorcars from my ownership experience and involvement in the Bentley community. I am constantly humbled to hear from viewers that have shared their story of acquiring a Bentley Arnage after following my journey. If you find yourself on this website or watching the YouTube videos about my experience, then you are likely just as appreciative of these fine automobiles.
Many times, I receive messages from prospective owners asking for my opinion on specific advertised car listings or auctions, or just general information about the ownership experience that was not covered in the video series. Unfortunately, having the time to respond to every message is not possible so I decided to provide a Bentley Arnage pre-purchase consultation service based on my experience. It is my goal to help other Arnage enthusiasts become knowledgeable and comfortable with the prospective ownership of this unique luxury automobile.
What’s Included:
- 25-minute Phone Call – covering the topic of Bentley Arnage ownership
- Online Listings Review of prospective Arnage examples for sale – up to 4
- Pricing Strategy Review – what is a reasonable price when buying or selling?
- Pre-Purchase Checklist – common areas that are often overlooked when making a purchase
Important Note:
This is not a mechanical inspection. While I am not an expert mechanic, I can offer personal guidance on the types of common problem areas and common myths about these vehicles. This service should not replace a thorough, in-person mechanical pre-purchase inspection by a qualified mechanic.

Just like any car, Arnage owners have different experiences and different opinions when it comes to ownership. I try to separate the fact from opinion and provide evidence-based information from my first-hand experience buying, operating, maintaining, and selling the Bentley Arnage.
As a Bentley enthusiast and self-proclaimed Automotive Life Coach, I strive to help other Arnage enthusiasts overcome anxiety of the real and perceived risks of owning this rare, specialty automobile. Purchasing a luxury vehicle like the Bentley Arnage should not be taken lightly and many factors need to be considered, but ultimately, the goal for most car guys and gals seeking a Bentley Arnage is driver enjoyment- something the Bentley Arnage offers in spades. Let me know if I can help you.
Previously Reviewed Bentley Arnage Examples
Below are snapshots of a few examples of Bentley Arnage models I have reviewed or inspected (including my own) over the last several years. The second-hand market for the Arnage contains a wide array of cars in varying conditions. While the photos from sellers are enticing, it is critical to know what problems may exist. Additionally, even after a successful test drive, it is important to not be swayed by the emotions a car like this can stir. Always get a second (or third) opinion before signing on the dotted line.

Potential Problem Areas
Every car has its own problem areas and the Bentley Arnage is no exception. While many issues with the Arnage are greatly exaggerated, being able to know the difference between a minor problem and a major problem can drastically affect the ownership experience and help you avoid costly repairs. Below are photos of just a few of the many possible areas that may need to be addressed on a prospective vehicle.

Let Me Help
Are you ready to take the plunge into Bentley Arnage ownership? It’s easy to fall in love with these cars, but don’t make the commitment when emotions are running high. Take the time to invest in making sure the car you’ve found is a good match for your lifestyle. Let me know if there are any questions so your experience can be as positive as mine.

Free Ownership Tips
If you have not checked out my YouTube Channel, be sure to explore the collection of content covering my experience with the 2004 Bentley Arnage T. Details of my ownership are documented starting back in 2016. The channel includes helpful ownership tips, DIY service projects, financial details, parts & service resources, as well as various fun adventures I explored while owning one of the world’s finest motorcars.